

  • 講題:政商關係與企業發展-台南幫的個案觀察/講題: Fuzzy Statistics And Its Applications in Survey Sampling/講題:Interaction of the Mucosal Immune System of the GALT with Indigenous Bacteria and Enteric Virus /講題: The Role of Epstein Barr Virus Infection in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and in Epithelcal Cells /講題: Protein Introns in Mycobacterial Reca Genes/講題:文化論述、民族意識、與國家 認同,或中國文化三吃/题目: "Money in Transit" and Its Implications for Monetary Analysis/題:儒學與世界的未來/講題:1.0n Cyclotomic Function Fields 2.討論/講題:Optimal Technology Choice and Immiserizing Export Subsidy


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  • 亞洲地區理論及計算語言學國際研討會