講題:量子力學在學上的應用/講題: Search for Top at Collider Detector at Fermilab
/講題:"Some Problems in the Study
of the Chains of the Upper Characters of the Fanch'ie in Wenhai"/講題:1.Moser-Trudinger Inequality and Applications to Some
Problems in Nonlinear P.D.E.
2. Topics in Conformal Geometry/講題: Improved Tests for Nonconstant Variance or First-Order Autocorrelated Error in Regression Models/講題:儒家『內聖外王』的理想型態與實質內涵試就孟子對舜的詮解論起/講題: Mechanism of Sexual Differentiation of Hepatic Cytochrome p450-Role of Growth Hormone/講題: Assembly and Replication of Hepatitis Delta Virus: Mechanism and Application/講題:1980's 香港銀行危機及其在銀行管制中之涵義/講題:Cloning of the Soybean Dihydroflavonol Reductase (DFR) Gene by Polymerase Chain Reaction/講題: Non-Conventional Algorithm for Representing and Recognizing 2D Objects