

  • 講題:钇鋇銅氧薄膜臨界磁場之角相依性物理/講題: Physical Properties of Grafted Polymer Layers/講題:Oxidations and oxo Complexes/講題:History of Benzenl/講題: The Best Ab Initio(Exact Born Oppenheimer) Excited State Wave-function of H2 and Their Electronic pectroscopy /講題: Unimolecular Reaction Me -chanisms Involving Unsaturated Hydrocarbons/講題:Structural Properties of Greedoids II/講題: Local Search and Integer Programming/講題:On Serre's Conjecture/講題:(一) Asymptotic Analysis of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations (二)Stochastic PDE's and Infinite-dimensional Analysis/講題: Research and Development of Cholesterol Lowering Drugs/講題:一 .離騷構成初探 二,唐詩的經典化/講題:影響精神病患醫療行為的因素 ~主要照護者的初步資料分析/講題: Molecular Mechanisms of DNA Mismatch Correction in E. coli and Human Cells/講題: Productivity and the Export Market: A Firm-level Analysis/講題: The Structure and Function of Systemin, a Polypeptide Signal for Plant Defensive Genes/講題:Unit Root Tests in Panel Data: Asymptotic and Finite Sample Properties


  • 出席國際學術會議

  • 學術交流

  • 院務簡訊

  • 徵人啟事

  • 資訊所八十一年度研究成果發表會

  • 統計函數估計論及平滑方法國際會議