講題:論章太炎的歷史地位/講題:近代渤海灣地區海運之研究/講題:從賀平談起/講題:疾病與「場所」-從「裤夏致疾」談傳統醫學對「崇疾」的 一種特殊理解/講題:淺談台灣人口問題/講題: Analysis of Surface Structures of Sn and S Overlayers on Ni(111) by Low Energy Alkali Ion Scattering/講題:w-Geometry/講題: High Energy Physics in Beijing /講題: Vortex Breakdown and Hopf Bifurcation in the Cylindrical Cavity Flow/講題: Molecular and Genetic Studies on Flower Development /講題:Gravitropic Response Chain in Roots/講題:胡瓜嵌紋病毒病徵表現之調節/講題: Regulation of the Genes Encoding the Major Surface Proteins of Leishmania and
Trypanosomes/講題:1.Laser Probing of orbital Alignment Dynamics 2.Lasers and Semiconductors: from Growth to Etching/講題:Synthesis and Structural Chemistry of Transition Metal Phosphates/講題:美國三0一條款(總統報復權)之研究暨外國政府之因應對策/講題: Artificial Enzyme-Ribonuclease A-Mimics/講題: Resonance Raman Spectra of High-Valent Iron(IV , V) Porphyrins and Their Biological Significance/講題:Bubbling out of Einstein Manifolds /講題:Maximal Functions and Singular Integrals /講題:Singular Integrals and Applications
講題:佚失了四百年的短篇小說集 《型式言》的發現和研究 /講題:韓愈研究在美國:1936-1992/講題:Estrogen and Antiestrogen Regulation of Estrogen Receptor (ER) - Negative Breast Cancer Cells Stably Expressed cDNA's for ER /講題: From Graphics to Virtual Reality: An Introduction