講題: Multi-Sensor Based Robotic Assembly Cell /講題:特徵之抽取與基本辨認單位/講題: Robot Motion Planning Among Moving Obstacles/講題:憲法的統帥權問題/講題: Technology Choices under Duopoly/講題 : Targeting of Glycoproteins to the Vacuoles of Plant Cells/講題:1.Particle Bombardment Technology for Gene Transfer 2.Development of In Vivo Methods for Gene Transfer/講題: Neumann Problem的機率解/講題:Plant Productivity and Climate Environment/講題:從「妻子」到「女兒」:台灣女性家庭角色置換之性別權力意涵/講題:Bacteriorhodopsin-A Visual Pigment that works as a Light-Driven Proton Pump in a Halobacterium/講題:Making Sense out of NonEnvironmental Protection in sense in Apolipoprotein B Taiwan mRNA and Protein /講題: Transient Responses of Heterogeneous Spin Systems to Selective RF Saturation (The Meaning of Relaxation Times in Tissues)/講題:Aquaculture, Management and Improvement of Stocks of Wild Fish in Streams /講題: Ac Calorimetric Technique 的原理與應用/講題:Industrial Growth and Environmental Protection in Taiwan