講題:Studies of CRABP Regulation and Function in Transgenic Mice/講題: Purine and Purine Alkaloid Metabolism in Tea (Camellia Spp.) and coffee (Coffea arabica) Plants/講題:自由基的動力學/講題:1.Basics of CR Manifolds 2.Discussion /講題:1. 代數 K-理論(2) 2.橢圓曲線與齊次空間/講題: From a Rotating-table Game to the Lempel Homomorphism
/講題: Numerical Climate Modelling/講題:古漢字形態與書寫走向--六書以外的一個探討/講題: What can Metal-Ligand Bonding Energetics Teach Us About Organometallic Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis/講題:雷射振動光譜的新發展/講題: Report on Hiro'91 (Fermilab and Hiroshima Univ. Conference on Elec -troweak Breakings)/講題: Fractal:self-affine Landscapes in DNA Sequences/講題:A Bayesian Bootstrap for Censored Data /講題:1.Performance-Based Assess ment:Problems and Potentials (Outline:Alternatives to multiple-choice items, called "authentic assessment", is becoming widely acclaimed in the united states. what is authentic assessment and what are its pormises and pitfalls?) 2.Setting Passing Scores When More Than One Attempt Is Permitted(Outline:Should can didates who fail an im portant examination be given a second chance ? if so, should the standards for passing be changed for these candidates?)/講題:典範的形成與變遷--對於台灣研究的一些思考