講題:1.Line Arrangements 2.Delaunay Trangulations and Related Structures 3.0ptimal Trangulation by Edge-Insertion
4. Alpha Shapes 5. Conform Delaunay Triangulations/講題:1.GC Column Bleed Study 2.Electron Donor HPLC Phase /講題:Optical Memory Devices and Organic Material /講題:Accurate Analytic Expressions for Molecular Partition Functions/講題:變蒸論:一項傳統生理假說的興衰 始末/講題: Relaxation and Entropy Function for Nonlinear Hyperbolic Systems/講題: Stability of Relative Equilibria in Vlasov-Poisson System /題: Lectures in Random Fields and Stochastic Partial Differential Equations./講題:1.Algebraic Groups & D modules(四個演講) 2. Algebraic Group & Symme -tric Spaces(兩個演講) 3.Nevanlinna Theory(兩個演講)/講題: Economic Development in a Spatial Perspective/講題: The Solution Structure of [d(ATGAGCGAATA) ]:An Unusual B-Form Duplex with Two Adjacent GA Mismatches/講題:Treatment of B-Cell Lymphoma with Antiidiotypic Antibody and Idotypic Vaccine:Application of Transfectoma Technique/講題: Novel Approaches to Multiple Drug Resistance/講題: The Chitinase Regulon of Streptomyces/講題:Genetic and Molecular Analyses of Visual System Development in Drosophila Melanogaster/講題: From Transcription Factors to Rheumatoid Arthritis:An tagonism between AP-1(Jun/Fos) and Nuclear Receptor Superfamily/講題: Mass Formation of Rotifer Spatial Perspective Cysts and Feeding Neonates to marine Fishlarvae /講題:1.Proliferation Control at the G1-S Boundary 2. Tumor Supprossor Genes in Human Breast Cancer/講題: Random Walks on Hypercubes Spectral Representations and Majorization Relations