講題:近代旅日華商與台商間的貿易----以長崎泰益號與基隆批發行貿易為例/講題: The Authoritarian Power Establishment & ElectionDriven Democratic Transformations: A Theory on the Optimal Degree of Political Decompression
/講題:1.Moser's Construction of Solutions of Nonlinear Differential Equations 2.0n the Embedding of CR Manifolds (IV) /講題: The Neural Network and Its Applications/講題: Induced Fusion of Gametes and Embryos/講題:Temperature-Sensitivity as a General Phenomenon in Chlorophy11-Deficient Mutants of Higher Plant/講題:On 2-D Shape Recognition /講題:Computing Shortest Trans versals of Sets/講題: Parallel Complexities for Divide-and-Conquer/講題:漢語病變語音的嗓音起始時間與字調的問題/講題: Nomad's Geomancy:Shooting Arrows to Choose a Site in the Mongolian Tradition/講題: Robust Bayesian Analysis Using Entropy and Divergence Measures/講題:台灣的反污染自力救濟運動: 1981-1990/講題:1.Chinese Village, Socialist State 2. Market and Plan in China's Socialist Economy 3. Research Agenda for Chinese Studies: Legacy, Recent Contributions and Promise/講題:台灣能源問題與對策一一談核四建廠與油價調整公式之建立/講題:監察院改制方案初探——從美國聯邦最高法院 Morrison v.01son案談起/講題: The Mantle Activity beneath the Continental Rift