

  • 講題:電腦化全球機票訂位系統 /講題:Deferred Query: An Efficient Approach for Some Problems on Interval Graphs /講題:Binocular Matching on Stereopsis (2) Computational Model/講題:太平洋中的族群風暴/講題: Self-Similarity and Longrange Dependence /講題:On Some Large Deviation Properties of Reliability of Large Engineering System/講題:Drug Discovery and Development /講題: New Applications Derived from Titanium Dioxide/講題:Cyanogenesis - the Production of HCN-by Higher Plants/講題:鐵的生物性沈積/講題:血液波共振現象及其在中醫上之應用/講題:A Distributed Parameter Control Systems Approach to the Analysis of Water Allocation/講題: Molecular Cloning and Cha -racterization of Crystallizable Protein Secreted by Active Macrophage/講題: Molecular Biology of an RNA Virus-Loronavirus/講題: The Evolution of Leninist Parties: A Comparison of the Chinese Communist Party and the Kuomintang/講題:現代公司的最適區位/講題:Getting Rich First: Development of Rural China /講題:煉油工業的催化反應/講題: Matroid with Coefficients(Based on the Paper Titled "Projective equivalence of Matroids with Coefficients"by W. Wenzel) /講題:Lectures in Random Fields and Stochastic Partial Differential Equations /講題:Conformal Metrics with prescribed Curvature on S and the Related Topics/講題: Non-Commutative Approximation Theory


  • 出席國際學術會議