

  • 余南庚院士病逝

  • 學術交流

  • 講題:台灣園藝菌根之研究/講題: Phase Transition of Binary Mixture in Porous Medium/講題:Neutrino Charge Radius in N=1 Minimal Supersymmetric Model/講題:凌廷堪(1755~1809)的禮學思想一「以禮代理」說與清乾嘉學術思想 之走向/講題:Regioselectivity and Mechanisms in Ring Opening of Activated Aziridines/講題: What is the Coverage of the Magnetic Obsevations in the North Pacific Ocean ?/講題: Regulation and Molecular Genetics of Human Cardiac Myosin Heavy Chain Genes/講題:《醫林改錯》研究:略論解剖學在中西醫學傳統中的地位/講題:New Windows on Chinese Medicine : Sickness and Healing in a 16th-Century Novel/講題: Modified Coupled Pair Func -tional (MCPF) Method/講題:《文心雕龍》與西方文學理論/講題:Lectures in Random Fields and Stochastic Partial Differential Equations/講題:台灣金融機構對民營企業貸款行為之研究


  • 出席國際學術會議