講題:Obstacle Avoidance of Autonomous vehicle Naviga tion
講題:Planar Geometric Location Problems and Maintaining the Width of a Planar Set/講題: The Stability of Anyon Superconductivity /講題: Quantum Monte Carlo Method Using Suzuki - Trotter Decom - position/講題: In Estimation and Smoothing of the Conditional Discrete Density Function/講題: Theoretical Modelling of Fall off Behavior in Radical - Radical and Ion-Molecule Reactions/講題:Historical Institutional Approaches to Analyzing State Formation and Policymaking/講題: Monetary Confidence and Asset Bubbles/講題:古典論與聯結論:問題及其解決/講題:羅斯(J. Rawls)的公道論在環境倫理上的適用性/講題:清代救濟節婦的清節堂/講題: Algorithms for Continuous Transportation Problems
/講題:1.0n Variance Theory and the Pontrjagin Classes 2 2. The Cartan-Ambrose-Hicks Theorem