講題:Some Recent Advances and Issues of Statistical Auality Control /講題: Forecasting Technological Substitutions/講題:Coordination Failure in Macroeconomic Theory( II )/講題 : Geometric Fitting Problems of Two Corresponding Sets of Points and Linear Programming /講題:A Network Clustering Algorithm Based on Vector Quantization Design/講題:On Optimal River Routing/講題:台灣地區社會變遷趨勢之研究/講題:Singular Integral Operators/講題: Limiting Distributions of A Family of Random Sequences and Class L(with Shepp) /講題:Duality for Spin Systems /講題:1.Characteristic Classes of Complex Projective Space 2. Applications of Morse Theory to Lie Groups (V) 3.Self - duality /講題:F. and M. Riesz Theorem and Its Related Topics/講題:日據時期台灣的女子教育/講題:mm - Wave Measurement of Rydberg Constant on Atomic Hydrogen/講題:後胡適時代的白話文/講題:日本産川蜷屬貝類之系統分類 /講題: Mechanism of Transformation Dr. Lalit Srivastava and Mismatch-Repair in Streptococcus pneumoniae