

  • 楊聯陞院士病逝

  • 講題:Effects of Considering Lens Distortion in Camera Calibration/講題:談廿五史文字統計與說文解字玉篇資料庫/講題:從漢、藏語的比較看漢語上古音的 擬測/講題: Relative Efficiency of Semiparametric Estimators for Censored Regression Model /講題: Characterization of Some Classes of Self-similar Stable Processes/講題:一個單純的單姓村/講題: Collagen Gene Expression in Bovine Vascular Smooth Muscle/講題:Cloning and Molecular Studies of Drosophila Laminin B2 Chain CDNA and Gene/講題:越戰中美軍的士氣與紀律/講題: The General Solutions of A Simple Signalling Game/講題:On the Allocation of Litigation Spending: A Comparison between the American Rule and the British Rule/講題: The Regulation of Endosperm Development and Gene Expression by Auxin and Cytokinin in Maize./ 講題:1.介紹 2. Abel - Jacobi 定理 3. Projective Embedding and Heights 4.Mordel1-Weil 定理 5.Hights on Abelian Varieties 6. Mumford's Lower Bound(討論) 7. Estimates for Derivatives and Small Sections 8. Roth's Lemma and The Mordell-Faltings Theorem (after Vojta-Bombieri) /講題:1.Characteristic Classes of a Real Vector Bundle 2. Applications of Morse Theory to Lie Groups(II) 3. Holomorphic and Unitary Gauges/講題:Attractive Spin Systems on Z(2)/講題: Rings and Nearrings Generated by Semiendomor phisms of Groups /講題: The Organization of Scientific Research in Eastern Europe,with Special Reference to Czechoslovakia and U.S.S.R. /講題:Coupled Volumetric - Deviatoric Behavior of Porous and Gra nular Materials /講題: From Intellectual to Cultural History in Late Imperial China


  • 人事動態