講題:1. Phosphogenesis and Isotope Geochemistry of Phosphorite2. Isotopic Compositions and Genesis of Recent Phos -phorite Deposits 3. Isotopic Compositions and Genesis of Oceanic Phos -phorite/講題: Aplication of Laser Raman Microprobe in FluidInclusion Research/講題:Regulation of c-fos and other Immediate Early Genes by Membrane Depolarization and ca++/講題:Status of the Proton Spin Crisis/講題:台灣製造業資本存量之估計/講題: Nonconvexities (2)/講題: Associative Memory/講題: Walking on an Arrangement Topologically /講題:Introduction to Karmarkar's Linear Programming Algorithm/講題:婦女運動、女性主義和婦女史研究-從席爾公司性別歧視案談起/講題:Laser Photochemistry:Generation, Detection and Lifetimes of Triplet Diradicals/講題:Structure of Human Prostatic Acid Phosphatase Gene and Its Encoded Enzyme/講題: The p53 Tumor Suppressor Gene and Human Colon Cancer/講題:Holder Estimates for band ab Operators in ¢? (d'après Fefferman and Kohn)0(II)/講題:1. Lefschetz Fixed Point Theorems 2. The Iopology of the Full Path Space 3. The Penrose Twistor Space(I)/講題:台灣東部地區史前文化的新資料及其檢討/講題: Structure of Plant Lectins and Storage Protein