

  • 蔣復院士病逝

  • 講題:對凱因斯「一般理論」之不同註釋(On Different Interpretation of the General Theory) /講題:以色列的通貨膨脹經驗(The Inflationary Process in Isreal)/講題:社會接觸與文化接觸-試論台灣原住民的社會變遷/講題:1.Local Formula for The Index 2. Geodesics and Comp -leteness 3. The Basic Instanton/講題:1.Recurrence and Transience of Gaussian Diffusion Processes 2. Nonequilibrium Fluctuations of One Dimensional Ginzvurg-Landau Model (1) /講題:Some Research Directions of Stochastic Analysis/講題:律詩的分類 /講題: POLY (2,6-Dimethyl-1,4 Phenylene Ether) (PPE) Redistribution and ITS Significance in the Preparation of PPE/EPOXY Laminate for Multilayer Circuit Board Application


  • 院務簡訊

  • 人事動態

  • 出席國際學術會議