講題: Quality Adjustment Under Quantitative Restrictions: A Multi-country Multi-good Model/講題:地磁場反轉過程的成因及其觀察之最近發展/講題:1.Capabilities of GPS High Precision Surveys 2. Geodetic Measurement of Deformation in the Santa Maria Fold and Thrust Belt, California/講題:關隴集團婚姻圈之研究-以王室婚姻關係為中心/講題:台灣北管劇團所演戲劇的特性--以新美園亂彈班為例/講題: Protein Targeting to the Microbody Organelle, Glycosome, in African Trypanosomes/講題:Recent Development in our Understanding of the Giardia Virus – The First Virus Identified in Protozoa/講題:R & D Environment/講題:用姓氏頻率來追溯群體遷徙歷史--分類學根鬚圖示提供模型建構 的啟示 Migration History Reconstruction Using Surname Frequencies in Taiwan -- - Modeling Sugges -tion from Taxonomy Tree /講題: The Use of Buprenorphine for the Treatment of Heroin and Cocaine Dependence/講題:1. The Hodge Decomposition Theorems 2. The Lefschetz 3. The Yang-Mills Lagrangian