

  • 第十八屆院士選出

  • 學術活動

  • 講題:切韻與現代方言 /講題:中國古代文明起源問題討論/講題:從理論化學觀點看銅錯合高溫超導體/講題: Molecular Biology of the Phosphofructokinase Gene/講題:Parallel Algorithms for Labeling Image Components /講題: Neural Network/講題:民主精英論及其政治平等概念/講題: Molecular Determinants of Leishmanial Virulence/講題: Property Rights and Enforce -ment, Multiple Ownership of Land and Its Change in Taiwan, 1683-1905/講題:人力資本理論的基本概念/講題:解決三七五租約問題議/講題: An Overview of Group Sequential Methods in Clinical Trials /講題:1.Root n Bandwidth Selectors in Kernel Density Estimation 2. Asymptotic Minimax Estimation in Semiparametric Models


  • 中國近世社會文化史國際研討會