講題:隋唐通濟渠在交通運輸上之功能/講題:兩漢中央制度和地方制度的改變及其意義/講題:1. Photochemistry of Aryl Halides and Its Applications 2. Photodissociation of NO. 3 Radicals/講題:從曾國潘家書說起/講題:高速通信用的電子技術(Choices of Electronic Technologies for High Speed Communication)/ 講題:1.生物醫學工程之定義與生物力學之領域 2. 細胞膜生物力學性能之科際研究 3.治學經驗座談/講題:1.Progress Toward Unravel -ling Structure-Function Relationships in Transport Proteins of the Red Cell Membrane: The C1 /HC0, Anion Transporter and the Glucose Trans porter 2. The Role of Calmodulin in Signal Transduction 3.Control Globin Gene Expression /講題: Identification, Characteri - zation and Cloning of Trans -cription Factors Important for the Rat Insulin I Gene Expression /講題:Design of Renin Inhibitors through Structural Studies of Enzyme - Inhibitor Complexes/講題:生物抗拒重金屬毒性的分子機制/講題:DNA Topoisomerases as Targets of Anti-Cancer Therapeutics/講題:Transcription Regulation of the neu Oncogene/講題: Protein Engineering of Phos - Pholipase A2 From Bovine Pancreas/講題: Photochemistry of ArylHalides and Its Applications/講題: Modulation of Heme Reactivity through H-Bonding and Core Size Variations /講題:A Chemical Model of Super conductivity/講題: Equity for Women and Men:A Basic Need for USAID/講題:美國與日本生產力之比較/講題:1. Applications of Number Theory to Graph Theory 2. Ideal Class Groups and Galois Modules/講題:A Combinatorial code for Tissue-specific Gene Expression in Plants