講題: Exactly Solvable Wave Equa tions for a Class of Confined Hydrogenic Systems./講題:滿鐵調查部的調查事業-「滿洲舊 慣調查報告」評估/講題:漢魏士人同鄉關係考論/講題:Identification and characteri zation of Human Papillomavirus Type 6 Proteins in Papillomata and Transfected Cell Lines/講題: Random Fields and Inverse Problem in Imaging /講題:Direct and Inverse Abel -Jacobi Maps on Riemann Surfaces of Genus N-1/講題:1.Kronecker - Hurwitz Class Number Relations 2. Iwasawa Theory(3)/講題: The QR Algorithm for Unitary Matrices/講題:1.Anyon Superconductivity 2.Deformations of Conformal Field Theories 3.同2./講題:Overview of Solvable Models in Statistical Physics/講題:Risk Communication and Attitude Change:Taiwan's National Debate Over Nuclear Power/講題:環保民意與公害防治/講題:Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Organic and Biochemical Molecules/講題:Bioorganic Stuties of an. Enzymatic C-0 Bond Cleavage Reaction/講題:Clustering of Genes Involved in Synthesis of Xanthan Poly saccharide and Strain Improve ment for Xanthan Production /講題: Health Risk Conception Studies and Policy Application(自覺健康風險研究及政策應用)/講題:Signal Transducing Mechanisms in Platelets