講題:Seismological Lessons from the Santa Cruz Mountains, California Earthquake of 17 10ctober 1989/講題:Post-translational Modifica tion of Proteins: Specificity and Regulation/講題:X-Ray Analysis of Malarial Parasite:Effect of Qinghaosu on Cation Transport/講題:台灣飛蝨的分類概況及其經濟重要性/講題:Financial Investment Opportunities and the Real Economy /講題:U.S. Aid and the End of Taiwan's Big Inflation/講題:民主政治與憲政設計(Democracy and Constitu tional Design)/講題: Why Bother Studying the History of Economic Thought
/講題:1.Sturcture Analysis by High Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy 2.Forward-Focusing Effects in X-Ray Photoemission and Au ger Electron Spectro-scopies 3.Bonding and Structure on Semiconductor Surfaces/講題:1. Removable Singularities (D'apres Harvey and
Polking) 2.Discussion /講題:Inverse Problem of Periodic Soliton Equations /講題:1. Iwasawa Theory II 2. Hilbert's Irreducibility/講題:Socialization Through Personal Storytelling/講題:Bridged Di - and Poly - Nuclear Group VI Metal Complexes