講題:1.魏晉北朝的築城運動 2.中古都城坊制初探 3. 中古都城坊制的崩解 /講題:對於日本最早的文字記載: 關於 倭國的記載/講題:Metal - Catalyzed Photore action as an Organic Synthetic Method. /講題:Highly Functionalized Zn-Cu Organometallic in Organic Synthesis./講題:Application:From 2D NMR to 3D Structure. /講題:酵素催化合成生理活性物質/講題: The Concept of Level in Modelling the Mind/講題:Telecommunication in the Future /講題:Logic Verification System/講題:RNA Splicing in Hepatitis B Virus as a Possible Mechanism for Generation of Viral Reverse Transcriptase./講題 : Noncompact Kähler Manifolds of Fast Curvature Decay/講題:B Lymphocytopoies is/講題:明朝的紙幣一愛拼才會贏/講題:Beyond Chi Square:properties of Log-Likelihood Ratios and Entropy Differences for Comparing Models in Non Standard Situations/講題:日據台灣農村的商品化與小農經濟的形成/講題:1. Analysis of Madurose by in Enzymatic HPLC. 2.Streptomyces Species with Madurose