

  • 講題:海耶克論社會正義/講題:淮南高注「私蜕頭」唐解試議/講題:影響台灣地區資訊化因素之研究/講題: Chemical Communication in Three South African Dung Beetle Species of the Genus Kheper Cedeoptera: Scarabaeinae/講題: Application of the Stabili zation Method to the N, (1'1g) and Mg (1P) Temporary Anion States/講題: Nerve Growth in Biology and Medicine/ 講題: Capacity of Gaussian Channels with Jamming/講題: Financial Decisions of the Firm: An Entrepreneurial Approach/講題 : Biosynthesis of the Reverse Transcriptase of Hepatitis B Virus ./講題:Glucose Transporters of Animal Cells: Diversity and Regulation by Insulin/講題:民國初年的江西省議會,1912-1914


  • 學術活動

  • 一九八九統計力學研討會

  • 第一屆海外華人研究國際研討會