

  • 第十七屆院士選出

  • 講 題 :Some Results on (nonparametric) Likelihood Estimation/講 題 :On Empirical Bayes Procedures /講 題 : Estimation of Semiparametric Regression Models/講題: A Protocal for Local Area Broadcast Network with 100% Throughput and other related BROADBAND ISDN/講 題 :SodiumCalcium Exchange in the Regulation of Intracellular Calcium in Cardiac Muscle/講 題 : Introduction to Modelling Multiple Time Series with Applications/講 題 : Recent Developments in Model Specification of Multiple Time Series/講 題 :Time Series Diagnostics/講 題 :Micelle-Induced Chemoselective Reactions/講 題 :(1) Investigation of Photochemical and Photophysical 'Processes in Polymer by Transient Grating Technique(2) 分子對稱在化學應用中的意義(3) Recent Studies on the Substitution Reactions of Unsaturated Hydrocarbons (4) Radiationless Transitions in Isolated Molecules/講題:唐代盛時與西南鄰國之疆界/講題:清代中國關係的鳥瞰一 兼論東西國際宗藩體系的由盛而衰/講 題 : On Fair-coin Tossing Processes /講 題 : Einstein Metric with Prescribed Conformal Structure /講 題 : Nonlinear Diffusion Limit for a System with Nearest Neighbor Interactions (VI) /講 題 : Submanifolds in CP" Imbedded in HM(n+1)(II)/講 題 :Distributional Equity and Optimal Tariff Structure/講題:親子互動與子女行為/講題:理論概念的分析程序與測量特徵:「政治功效感」的例釋 /講題:(1)稻三染體之細胞遺傳(2)稻種穀蛋白人次元體組成之比較


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