講 題 : Ileat Shock Response in Higher Plants: Physiological and Molecular Consideration. /講題:試論清代财政政策與經濟思想以乾嘉時期(一七三六~一八二0)河東鹽法之變革為例/講題:東南亞協約六國工業生產力之比較/講題:複變流形/講 題 :Approximate Differentiability and Smoothness/講 題 :(1) Chains in CR geometry (D'après Jacobovitz) (v)(2) on the existence of the stationary maps/講題:(1)無窮維空間之隨機微分方程(Ix) :D'-valued隨機變數和隨機發性泛函數(2) Itô-Nawata 定理/講 題 : Baclelund transformations of Partial Differential equations: (1) Definition-Examples-ạpen questions(2) A theorem of Elie Cartan: A Backlund transformation is one-to-one iff it is equivalent to a Contact transformation (a new proof of this theorem will be given)/講題:中國電信仰與「雷令」/講題:(1) Fish Dispersal (2) Ecology of the Sand Areas of the Strong Tidal Flow Areas of a Tidal Cut and Ecology of the Sea Grass (Thalassia) Ecosystem/講題:新竹鄭家的發展/講題: Linea Free Energy Relationships/in Solvolytic Reactions