講題:How Well Do Theories of Nationalism Account for China and India ?/講題:A Neural Fuzzy Control System:FALCON/講題: Positional Cloning and Biochemical Studies of
the Huntington's Disease Gene/講題: The Complexity of Transforming Growth Factor-B Receptors and Their Roles in the Biological Activities /講題:1. 現代舞臺劇的語言問題 2.第二代小劇場的出現和後現代 劇場的轉折 /講題:兩唐書酷吏傳析論/講题:Robust Inferenoe in TeratoGenelogical Experiments/講題:評定式問卷中極端反應的性格内涵及其影響/講題: The Complexity of the TGF-8 Receptors and Their Roles in the Biological Activities of TGF-B/講題:Crystallization of Biolo gical Macromolecules: Nucleic Acids And Their Complexes/講題: Poverty, Family Assistance and Public Assistance inthe United States/講題:Cloning and Heterologous Expression of Fungal Mating
Types Genes/講題:全民健保支付制分析一兼論專業服務的質量選擇/講題:Design and Synthesis of Liquid Crystals and Liquid Crystalline Polymers/講题:Some Laser-Induced Processes