錢故院長思亮先生逝世十週年 其家屬將假善導寺誦經追薦
講題:Brockett's Problem on Classification of Finite Dimensional Estimation Algebras/講题:Targeted Delivery of Drugs and DNA by Liposomes /講題:TBP Complexes in Transcription by Different RNA polymerases/講題:Diversity and Endemism in the Floras of the California Channel Islands/講題: Inversion of Multi-Mode Surface Wave Attenuation for Crustal Anelasticity/講题:What Economists Should Know about Unit Roots and Cointegration/講題:Strategic Assot Allocation/講題: Agency and Assot Pricing /講題: The Empirical Process Approcach for Semi parametric Two-sample Models with Het erogeneous Treatment effect /講題: Synchronizing Chaotic System /講題:Self-Incompatibility: A Self/Nonself Recognition Mechanism of Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants/講題:Arabidopsis Mutants Define Downstream Branches in LightRegulated Signal Transduction Pathway/講題:台灣的民間社會福利機構與政府的互動關係:以中華兒童福利基金會(CCF)為個案的研究,1964-1992/講題: The Transfer Pricing of MNEs and Government Policy/講題:服務與財產權-美國之比較利益