講題: Connections on Deter -minant Bundles /講題:1. Moser - Trudinger Irequality and Applications to some Problems in Nonlinear P.D.E. 2.Topics in Conformal Geometry/講題:日俄戰爭與中國/講題:Human Acidic Fibroblast Growth Factor:Structure, Function and Gene
Regulation/講題: Mechanism of Regulation
of NF-KB-Mediated Transcription by the NFKB2/LYT-10 Gene and Its Disruption by Chromosomal Translocation in Lymphoid Neoplasia/講題:A Nove] Approach for Identification of Cycling Cell-Associated Nuclear Protein/講題:Chaotic Electronic Scattering: Fractal, Symbolic Dynamics, and Scaling/講題: Fractal Landscape of DNA Sequences/講題:Chaotic Atomic Scattering: Stimulated Molecular Possible Chemical Reaction /講題:Endocrine Control of Vitellogenesis in Blowflies/講題:Robot Control as a System Control Problem/講題:Integration of Event-Based Planning and Nonlinear Feedback Control/講題: Recent Results and Developments on Directed Block Designs /講題:八股文歷史作用之認識/講題: The Nature of Two-Directional Intergenerational Transfers of Money and Time: An Empirical Analysis /講題:The Sung and the Ming Paper Money: Currency Competition and Currency Bobbles