講題:日據時期台灣民族主義與政治文化的形成/講題: Mathematical Theory of Conjugated Molecules/講題: Ascending Subgraph Decompostion and Partition on Integers/講題:Kaluza-Klein Cosmologies/講題:文化接觸與物質文化的變遷: 以耐嶼雅美族為例/講題: Confidence Intervals Associated with Tests for Bioequivalence /講題: Honest Inferences from Iterative Simulations Using Multiple Sequences/講題:Test Equating from Biased Samples/講題: Functional Motifs of Delta Antigen Essential for the Multiplication of Hepatitis Delta Virus/講題:Cell Cycle Events Targeted by Viral Oncoproteins/講題:Internal Control and External Evasion/講題:The Mundell Proposition with Efficiency Wages/講題:Studies on the Production and the Improvement in Quality of Angelica acutiloba Kitagawa /講題: Complexes Containing Radical Ligands