講題:Basic Sparse Matrix Computations on Massively Parallel Computers/講題:1.D-Bar Dressing Method for Multidimensional Soliton Equations
2.Discussion /講題:A Construction of Brownian Motion on Manifold/講題:Self-electro-optic Effect Devices /講題:物質質量→引力!;引力>物質質量?? (The Standard Model中的粒子 質量起源)/講題:Alkaloid Synthesis /講題:旋轉固體中非均匀相互作用(化學所與生醫所合辦) /講題:One-Electron Based Quantum Simulation of Molecules and Solids/講題: The Development of Macro Dynamics
講題:Political Economy and Pollution Regulation :Instrument Choice in a
Lobbying Economy/講題: Maritime China in Historical Perspective/講題:信賴保護原則與行政處分撤銷 之關係:從交通部核准長榮航 空公司飛航一事談起/講題:International Capital Mobility/講題: Inhomogeneous NMR Interactions in Rotating Solids/講題: Nature of Hodgkin's Lymphoma from Biochemical and Immunological Point of View/講題: Male-Driven Evolution of DNA Sequences/講題:In Vivo Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Deoxymyoglobin and Glycogen/講題:美國的《左傳》研究/講題:Integrated Multimedia Mobility Service/講題:Distributed Rule Monitoring in Active Databases/講題:Graph Augmentation Problems/講題: Robust Parameter Design With Dynamic Characteristics/講題:On the Derivations of Compound Poisson Distribution and Process/講題:1.Membrane Biogenesis and Lipid Signals in Higher Plants
2.Biotechnology and Molecular Biology of Plant Lipid Metabolism/講題:台灣北部地區史前文化的新資料及其檢討/講題:星星之火:媒介與台灣民主運動 /講題: RNA Polymerase I-mediated Protein Coding Gene Expression in Irypanosoma brucei