講題:1.Inverse Spectral Trans form Method in 1+1 Dimensions
2.Inverse Spectral trans -form Method in Multidimensions/講題: Problems of Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics/講題:Mathematical Theory of Electrophoresis離散數學研討班/講題:1.Antimatroids - Ramsey Type Results
2.Polyhedral and Nonpolyhedral Relaxations of Graph Partitions Problems/講題:漢語病變語音研究數例機率研討會/講題 : Beyond the Hydrodynamic Limit/講題:環保與健康/講題:QCD Sum Rules and Their Applications to Four-point Processes/講題:流場衍生振動及其抑制/講題: Fundamentals of Chemical Shift Imaging and Localized NMR Spectroscopy /講題: Asymmetric Synthesis with Sulfur Chiral Auxiliary/講題: Attachment Security and Preschoolers' Mood In duceability-兼談親子關
係理論的發展/講題: The Effects of Business Taxes on Output and Location of the Firm under
Price Uncertainty/講題:Liu Ta K'uei (劉大魁) on Literature/講題:Protocol engineering/講題:探討台灣南端鵝鑾鼻地區史前海岸族群攝食系統的研究設計/講題:Some Estimation and Prediction Problems with Spatial Processes/講題: Novel Methods for Assigning IH and Natural Abundance 13C NMR Spectra in Proteins and Poly peptides/講題:「社會主義市場經濟」理論的發展與實踐-東歐經驗:1950 -1990/講題:Reviving Rural Festivals and Temples in the Mainland; Puzzle and Paradox/講題: Macroeconomic Interdependence in the Floating Exchange Rate System