講題: The Problem of Gathering Historical knowledge from Chinese Fiction/講題:Determination of Macromole cular Structure and Dynamics by NMR Spectroscopy/講題:制度改變與經濟機能設計理論/講題:競爭市場在經濟發展中之角色及由統制經濟過渡到市場經濟之問題/講題: Tunnel Ionization of Simple Molecules /講題:同步輻射x光與薄膜結構之研究/講題: Backlund Transformation and Activators Work the Homoclinic Solutions to the CNLS Equation/講題: Analytic Discs in Pseudo Convex Domains/講題: Accelerating Gaussian Diffusions/講題: An Existence Theoremm for A Non-linear Difference Equation/講題: Hsu and Robbins Series for U-Statistics/講題:從排灣族家庭制度談起/講題: Fish As An Alternative Model for Molecular Endocrinology /講題: Negative Freedom and Its Problems/講題: warrant Valuation and Optimal Exercise Strategy/講題: How Eukaryotic Transcriptional Activators Work /講題: Population and Molecular Convex Domains/講題:Genetics of Toxoplasma Gondii:Biological and Clinical Implications /講題: Frameshifting and RNA protein Interactions in a Double-Stranded RNA Virus /講題: Parity Doublets and the Pairing Mechanism in C60/講題: Quantum Chaos/講題: Buoyancy-Induced Flow Reversal in Vertical Ducts /講題:Backlund Transformation and the Homoclinic Solutions to the CNLS Equation/講題: Analytic Discs in Pseudo Convex Domains/講題:Accelerating Gaussian Diffusions/講題: An Existence Theorem for A Non-linear Difference Equation/講題: Hsu and Robbins Series for U-Statistics/講題:從排灣族家庭制度談起/講題: Fish As An Alternative Model for Molecular Endocrinology/講題: Negative Freedom and Its Problems /講題:Warrant Valuation and Optimal Exercise Strategy/講題:How Eukaryotic Transcriptional Activators/講題:Population and Molecular Genetics of Toxoplasma Gondii:Biological and Clinical Implications/講題: Frameshifting and RNA protein Interactions in a Double-Stranded RNA Virus/講題: Parity Doublets and the Pairing Mechanism in C60 /講題: Quantum Chaos/講題: Buoyancy-Induced Flow Reversal in Vertical Ducts