講題:清代政府的經濟作用:試論「招商」意念之實施/講題:不法行為的決定時點:預防科技的不足或安全範圍的逾越?/講題:貨幣緊縮與通貨膨脹:Sargent -Wallace 命題的另外一種詮釋 /講題:台灣地區政治參與的兩個經驗性研究/講題: CR-Foliations/講題: Brockett's Problems on NonLinear Filtering Theory /講題: The Rapid Decay Property of a Discrete Group/講題:Low Levels of Industrialization VS A Takeoff: The Role of Technology Diffusion and Learning /講題:Living Arrangements and Economic support for the Elderly (Discussion Paper #9201) /講題: Bra分子在 VUV 激發態之研究/講題:1.Structural Equation Modeling with Ordinal Variables 2.Discussion /講題:Sample Quantiles In Some Nonregular Cases and The Vulnerable Bootstrap, II/講題:Stochastic Dependence in System Reliability Theory/講題: Molecular Mechanism of Androgen Action/講題: Using Proteases in Peptide Synthesis I/講題:Cloning and characterization of Human Acidic Fibroblast Growth Factor (AFGF)/講題: The Transgenic Approaches for Studying of Genetic C310 Mechanism of Cancer/講題:DNA and Pathogenesis of Hereditary disorders/講題:歐洲統合的困難與展望/講題: Liquid Crystals(II):Nematic to Isotropic Transition/講題:1.法國植物分子生物研究近況 2.日本土壤環境學研究近況/講題: New Aspects in the Chemistry of Heptalenes /講題: The Preparation, Chemicall and Physical Properties of Fullerenes /講題:什麼叫做體質人類學-從怎樣吊死一個人談起 /講題:1.Grammatical Construction Theory(語法結構理論) 2. Semantic Roles and Grammatical Functions(語意角色與語法功能) 3.Corpus-linguistics and Modern Lexicography(語料語言學與現代詞彙處理)/講題: Molecular Basis of C4 Photosynthesis in Maize /講題:Genetic Analysis of Leukocyte Cell Surface Proteins