講題: Site-Directed-Serology, Synthetic Antigens, and Dignosis of Hepatitis C Virus Infection/講題:DNA Topoisomerases as Targets of Chemotherapeutic Agents: 1. Molecular Mechanism of DNA Gyrase Inhibition by Quinolone Antibacterials 2. Applications to Anti Cancer and Antifungal Drug Discovery ‧/講題:中山先生的民主思想和中國的民主改革 /講題:論憲法中基本權利之擴大/講題:Buildup of Steady - State Picosecond Pulses in an Actively Mode -Locked Laser Diode Array/講題: Photofragmentation Study of Singlet and Triplet Ketene/講題:Towards an Optimum Test for Non-additivity in Tukey's Model /講題:Recall of Health Messages and Their Impact on the Ranking Them as a National Problem:A Quasi-Experi - mental Approach/講題:一九八八~八九年美國人對尊嚴死及自殺的態度及其相關因素的探討/講題:Expression of Genes Encoding Bacteriophage T4 Ribonucleoside Diphosphate Reductase/講題:唐代的重要都市
/講題:Abelian Sandpile Model/講題: The "Matenal" d the Spiritual" in the Gift:Models of Exchange from the kula, India and 19th Century United State Culture/講題: Computer Aided Software Engineering Productivity and Software Reusability/講題:疫病菌(phytophthora)的遺傳:雜交的證明