講題:太空天文物理學如何擴大物理學的視野?(How Space Astrophysics Expanded the
Horizon of Physics ? )/講題:日本的基礎科學(Progress of Science in Japan)/講題: The Learning Algorithms for Boltzmann Machines/講題: The Family of Protein Kinase C for Signal Transduction and Cellular Regulation/講題:1. Institutionalizing American Literary Theory (美國文學理論的建制化)2. The Counter-Ideological Tradition in Western Theory (西方理論中的反意識型態傳統) 3.Two Faces of an Old Argument : New Criticism vs. Old Historicism, Deconstruction vs. New Historicism (一個長久爭議的兩面:新批評 對著歷史主義,解構主義對新 歷史主義)/講題:1.Behavior of the Bergman Projection on the Diederich-Fornass Worm(d'apres Barrett) (2)
2.Discussion/講題:Hydrodynamic Limit and Averaging Principle/講題:Total Colorings of Graphs/講題:Imperfect Information and Incomplete Markets/講題:Itowappu System and the Silk Trade between China and Japan in the 17th Century/講題:漢人考-巴郡南郡蠻研究之一/講題:香港各大學所藏中文圖書資料/講題 : Biomedical Applications of ESR Spectroscopy /講題: Anisotropic Optical Properties of YBCO Supercon ductors/講題: Surface Structure Study -Using Low Energy Electron and Photoelectron spectros一
copy /講題:Organic Synthesis with the Aid of Palladium Complexes