講題:A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for the Existance of a Complete Stable Matching/講題:一個被遺忘的台灣中部原住民 「王國」/講題: The Measure - Theoretic Max Flow Problems/講題:唐代儒將王鐸與黃巢之亂/講題:Origins of the Pacific People - -Evidence from Physical Anthropology/講題:Agricultural Development in China --Mainland and Taiwan /講題:1.Impossibility Theorems for Matchings
2.Computational Complexities of Bilateral Exchange Processes (With S. C. Tsiang)
3.0n Matching and Partitioning 4.On Matching and its Application/講題:Hypothesis Testing and Finite Sample Properties of Generalized Method of Moments Estimators: A Monte Carlo Study/講題:Dimension Reduction Techniques for Regression and Classifi cation/講題:曲館與武館的社會史研究/講題:1.Atomic Engineering of New Materials 2.Laser Interaction with Matter in Fundamental Science & Applications/講題: Phylogeny of the rbcL Genes of Extant Magnoliaceous Species and Their Relation ships to the Reported DNA Sequence of a Fossil Species/講題:Multiphoton Ionization of Molecules and Van der Waals Complexes/講題:憲政主義的思想預設