講題:Indonesia Arc - continent Collision/講題:章太炎之道家觀/講題:陳儀與臺灣/講題:光陰的故事-年齡對族群的影響 /講題:Development of Subunit Vaccine of Infectious Hematopoietie Necrosis Virus/講題: Values of Indefinite Quadratic Forms at Integral Points/講題:A Probabilistic Approach to 3D Surface Reconstruction Using a Moving Camera/講題: Revies on 2x2 AKNS - ZS and Kaup - Newell Systems/講題:1. Iwasawa Theory IV 2.Discussion/講題:Exploring New Physics with CP Asymmetries in B° Decays /講題:Infection Disease Transmission Model : Human to Human Transmission /講題:金融管制與資金市場區隔下自由化政策的福利效果 /講題:Viral Protection in Transgenic Plants Expressing the Coat Protein of TMV and PVX-PVY. /講題:溝通行動理論與系統理論/講題: Recent NMR & Molecular Genetic Studies of Membrane - Associated Proteins /講題:國際法的政治面:兼淡類似「民主女神號」的相關問題