三民所 分生室更改中英文所名
講題:中國近代知識普及化傳播之圖說形式/講題: Holocene Mean Uplift Rates Across an Active PlateCollision Boundary in Taiwan/講題: Transcriptional Regulation of Class I Major Histocom - patibility Complex (MHC) Gene Expression in B Cells/講題:我當植物醫生的經過 /講題:水稻葉片老化之控制與代謝/講題:Sample Preparation, Characterisation and farInfrared Study of High-Tc
Superconductors /講題: Recent Results and Future Development in High Energy Physics/講題:Index Typing of HLA Sero logical Data(一個由免疫血清 資料判定 HLA 基因型的指數方法) /講題:Expression and Characteri zation of Human Blood Clotting Factor IX and the Factor IX-X Chimeras in Mouse C127 Cells /講題: Transposon Mediated Mutation and Chromosome Rearrangement in Drosophila/講題:全球經濟再結構過程中的台灣區域 空間結構變遷/講題:日據時期台灣新詩的發展/講題:漢代使者考論之三-使者之信物與性格/講題: An Equivalent System of AKNS with Periodic Potentials/講題: Random Fields and Inverse Problem in Imaging/講題:人結構的變遷與所得分配/講題:Electric Birefringence in Organic Stereo Chemistry講題:Structural chemistry of Some Early Transition metal Phosphates