講題:1. Approximate Solutions to the Thomas - Fermi Equation 2. The Nature of the Chemical Bond - 1989/講題:1.漢武帝在馬邑之役中的角色2. 漢廷里父老禪買田約束石券再議/講題:Age-Period - Cohort Analysis /講題: Engineeringe Pseudomonas Exotoxin A to Oncotoxin for Cancer Therapy/講題:中美貿易結構與新臺幣升值之影響/講題:鴉片貿易與延安模式/講題:1.Advances in Macromolecule
Transfer and Creation of Transgenic Animal. 2.On the Induction of Larval Settlement of Marine Invertebrates: the Nature of Metamorphic promoting Factors/講題:1. Molecular Approaches to the Analysis of Promoter Structure of Highly Regulated Genes 2. Round Table Discussion on "New Technologies and Agricultural Biotechnology"/講題:Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Superlattices/講題:Time - sequential Censored Rank Statistics in Interim Analysis of Clinical Trials./講題:Understanding Proton Pumping in Cytochrome Oxidase/講題: The Fault Ruptures of the 1976 Tangshan Earthquake Sequences Inferred from Crustal Deformation/講題:高壓下礦物的機械性質/講題: An Optimal Algorithm for the Maximum Two-Chain Problem/講題: Advances in Microprocessor Technology