講題: Nonparametric Dose-Response Testing to Separate Different Effects of a Treatment/講題:1.Stopping Rules for Sequential Clinical Trials 2. Tests and Confindence Sets in Change - Point Problems/講題:1.Curvature Functions in Pseudohermitian Geometry (3) 2.Discussion/講題:1.Abelian Varieties Over Finite Fields 2.Discussion/講題:1.生物固氮之最近發展與展望(圓桌討論方式) 2. 氢酶(Hydrogenase)研究之最近 發展/講題:Cosmological constant Problem - Coleman's Argument for A=0/講題: Third Quantization /講題: Wormhole Instanton Solution in the Einstein - Yang-Mills System/講題: Three Dimensional Quantum Gravity/講題:Application of Renormali zation Group (9) Method to Polymers/講題:Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics/講題 : Synthesis and Structures of Group VI Metal Carbonyls Containing 3C-2e M-H-M Bonds/講題:萬縣慘案/講題: Transposon Mutagenesis of Baculovirus and Transposon Shuttling Using Baculovirus as Shuttling Vectors/講題: 1. Developmental Principles and Paradigms 2.Organization of Shoot Meristem and Leaf/講題: Database Activities of Protein and Nucleic Acid Sequencing/講題: Abscisic Acid Metabolism in Corn/講題: Studies on Risk Factors of High Blood Pressure im 400 Government Employees /講題: Physiology of Castration Induced Regression in the Prostate /講題: Biological Roles of Polyamines/講題: Kappa-Neurotoxins: A New Family of Snake Venom Proteins That Block Neuronal Nicotinic Receptors./講題: Toxic Site of Ammodytoxin,a Presynaptic Neurotoxin,from Vipera Ammodytes Venom