講題: The Most Abundant Material in the Earth /講題:碰撞帶系列演講(三):台灣地區邊緣海盆之開與關/講題:宋代城郭的防禦設施及材料/講題:Step-down Procedure for Independence and Goodness of Fit in Two-way Contingency Tables Based on Canonical Correlation Model/講題: The Invariant Polynomials of Finite Subgroups of SL (3,0)/講題:On the Two Track Assignment Problem/講題:國際貨幣標準與美國國際收支赤字/講題:Capital Flows and Economic Fluctuations under a Regime of Managed Floating: Evidence from Taiwan and Korea in the 1980's ./講題:Divisibility and Returns to Scale: A Revisit /講題:Impact of Developments of Hard-and Software in Computer Chemistry/講題:論台灣產武威秋海棠(Begonia Buimontana Yamamoto)雜種之源/講題: Involvement of Calmodulin in Relation of Epidermal Signal Transduction and Metabolism./講題: Molecular Biology of the Nicotiana System/講題: The Chloroplast Genome/講題:Interaction of Arsenic Exposure and Cigarette Smoking on the Risk of Urinary Cancer: Data Presentation and Ask for Comments/講題: Roles of Protein Kinase :C in Carr Channel Acti vation and Excitation Contraction Coupling of Smooth Muscles