講題:Determination of Earth's Gravity Field/講題:日據時代台灣美術運動史/講題:論大夏吐火羅/講題:Regulatory Sequences Within the Gag Genes of Avian Retroviruses/講題:Two General Methods for De tecting Genome Arrangement/講題: Separation of 01igosaccharides and Glyco-peptides by Pellicular Resins and Pulsed Amperometric/講題:協餉、鴉片與雲貴經濟 /講題:1927年的中德關係/講題:一九七三年後中韓經濟發展策略的比較/講題:美國眾議員外交法案投票行為之分析:一九七七-一九八0/講題:On a Mixture of Logistic and Cox Regression/講題:On the Statistical Com puting Softwares/講題:Effects of Spatial Price Discrimination on Output, Welfare and Location./講題:連溫卿與台灣社會主義運動/講題:從基因移轉到植物發育/講題: Data Structures and Algorithms /講題: Many-Body Descriptions of Nuclear Structure/講題:Biomedical Application of Raman Spectroscopy-Noninvasive Clinical Prediction of Lens Aging and Cataract Formation/講題:愛滋症流行病學及愛滋病毒潛伏期之統計探索,/講題: The Cyclic GMP-gated Channel/講題:Structure and Function of Sequence specific Transcription Factors/講題:Oscillation Theorems for nth Order Nonlinear Differential Equations with Deviating Arguments /講題: Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of certain Neutral Differential Equations/講題:A Reformulation of White Noise Calculus
/講題:On the Structures of Locally Compact Groups