

  • 講 題 :Exchange Rates and The Prices of Nonfood, Nonfuel Products/講題:美國政策組合對東協國家的影響(The Impact of U. S. Policy Mix on the ASEAN Countries)/講題:中文字之識別/講 題 :CMOS Circuit Design/講題:未定(有關基因遺傳工程之研究)/講 題 : Particulate Biogeochemical Processes in Ocean Environment/講題:Retal Carbonyl Chemitry of Alkylaminobis (dilluorophosphines)/講題:本所近年來內分泌研究概况/講題:簡介X光複繞射的原理與應用/講 題 : Theta functions and Group representations (IV)/講題:Symmetry and integrability or evolution equations./講題:或然率在經濟上之應用(二)/講 題 :a class of additive multiplic ative increasing graph functions/講題: (1)Dynamical Systems (TV)- Integrable Hamiltonian Systeus. (II)(2)Finite dimensional semisimple Lie algebras (II)講題:Local Times of Brownian Motion and Quantum Field Theory.


  • 合作社消息

  • 地球所與中央氣象局合辦地震專題研討會

  • 統計所與中國統計學社合辦學術研討會