本院數學研究所編印之《數學集刊》,第 18 卷第 3 期已出版。
1.George Lusztig, “The quantum group U and flag manifolds over the semifield Z”
2.Delloum Adel, Beldjilali Gherici,“Ricci soliton on a class of Riemannian manifolds under D-isometric deformation”
3.Andrea Galasso, “Remarks on star products for non-compact CR manifolds with non-degenerate Levi form”
4.Yueh-Lin Chiang, “Semi-classical asymptotics of Bergman and spectral kernels for (0,q)-forms”

歡迎線上瀏覽: https://web.math.sinica.edu.tw/bulletin/default.jsp

期刊出版〉《數學集刊》第 18 卷第 3 期已出版