本院語言學研究所編印之《語言暨語言學》第 24 卷第 2 期業已出版,本期目錄如下:

1.Jung-Im Chang, “The grammaticalization of verbs of location movement into noun-phrase conjunctions in Archaic Chinese”
2.Yi-Hsun Chen, “The anatomy of Chinese Superlative Modifiers: The case of Q-adjectives”
3.Rui-heng Ray Huang, “On the syntax of assigning you constructions in Mandarin Chinese”
4.Gerd Jendraschek and Myung-Chul Koo, “From reciprocity to competition: Subjectification of reciprocal pronouns in Korean”
5.Masaki Nohara, “Old Chinese‘egg’: More evidence for consonant clusters”
6.Jackson T.-S. Sun, “Gser-Rdo: A new Tibetic language across the Rngaba-Dkarmdzes border”
7.Jialei Zhu, “A more special use of the third person singular pronoun in Shanghainese”


期刊出版〉《語言暨語言學》第 24 卷第 2 期