本院數學研究所編印之《數學集刊》,第 17 卷第 4 期已出版。作者及文章標題如下:
1.George Lusztig, David A. Vogan, Jr., “Involutions in Weyl groups and nil-Hecke algebras”
2.Kamel Ali Khelil, Abdelouaheb Ardjouni, Adel Lachouri, Faycal Bouchelaghem, “Existence of solutions for fractional differential equations with Ψ-Hilfer fractional derivative with nonlocal integral boundary conditions”
3.Samah Horrigue, “Stability of positive solutions for a class of nonlinear Hadamard type fractional differential equations with p-Laplacian”
4.Rahma Yasmina Moulay Hachemi, Toufik Guendouzi, “Impulsive stochastic differential equations involving Hilfer fractional derivatives”
5.Dehilis Sofiane, Taki Eddine Oussaeif, Chebana Zainouba, “Solvability and blow-up of the weak solution for a semi-linear Bessel problem with Neumann integral condition”
有興趣者,亦可利用郵政劃撥訂購紙本期刊。訂閱費用:1 年 4 期(3、 6、 9、 12 月出刊),國內訂戶新台幣 1500 元,國外訂戶美金 60 元(郵資內含)。劃撥帳號:0100434-8;帳戶名稱:中央研究院數學研究所