本院歷史語言研究所編印之《Asia Major》 Volume 35 Part 2 已出版,本期共收錄 4 篇論文:
1.LiRen-Yuan, “Necessary Knowledge for Young Students and Commercial Publishing in 17th- to Early-20th-Century China.”
2.Georg Orlandi,“Reconstruction Methodologies for Old and Middle Chinese before Bernhard Karlgren(1889-1978).”
3.Eileen Hsiang-Ling Hsu, “The Stele of the Divine Chen-Prophecy: Historiography, Calligraphy, and Antiquarianism.”
4.Nicholas Morrow Williams, “The Topos of the World Upside-Down Turned Rightside-Up: Liu Xiang and Political Rhetoric in Early China.”
瀏覽網址: https://www1.ihp.sinica.edu.tw/Publications/AsiaMajor/1145