本院數學研究所編印之《數學集刊》,第 17 卷第 2 期已出版。
1.George Lusztig, “Adjacency for special representations of a Weyl group”
2.Nabil Elgroud, Hacene Boutabia, Amel Redjil, Omar Kebiri, “Existence of relaxed optimal control for G-neutral stochastic functional differential equations with uncontrolled diffusion”
3.Abdeljabbar Ghanmi, “Existence of solution for some singular Kirchhoff fractional boundary value problem”
4.Smail Chemikh, Djilali Behloul, Seddik Ouakkas, “On the D-isometric deformation of Kenmotsu manifolds and biharmonic maps”
5.Hamada Fatna, Kandouci Abdeldjebbar,“Property of instant independence and stochastic integration”
6.Oussama Bouanani, Mustapha Rachdi, Saâdia Rahmani, “High dimensional statistics: Quadratic error in the local linear estimation of the relative regression”
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