

1. 黃雅鴻、紀駿傑,〈甜蜜的殖民主義:從糖業殖民到觀光殖民〉(Sugary Colonialism: From Sugar Plantation Colonialism to Tourism Colonialism)
2. Irfan Ullah, Mokhtar Saidin and Nasha Rodziadi Khaw,〈羨慕、嫉妒及惡魔之眼:普什圖族與墨西哥農村文化的比較研究〉(Envy, Jealousy and Evil Eye: A Comparative Study of Pashtun Tribal and Mexican Peasant Cultures)
3. 前野清太郎,〈「家」之再生產與跨世代性:臺灣西南部福佬農村的個案研究〉(The Reproduction and Inter-Ggenerational Aspectsity of Jia: Case Studies from a Hoklo Village in Southwestern Taiwan)


1. 徐胤承,〈Thijs Maarleveld, Ulrike Guérin and Barbara Egger: Manual for Activities Directed at Underwater Cultural Heritage: Guidelines to the Annex of the UNESCO 2001 Convention〉
2. 林怡潔,〈Daniel Miller, Elisabetta Costa, Nell Haynes, Tom McDonald, Razvan Nicolescu, Jolynna Sinanan, Juliano Spyer,Shriram Venkatraman and Xinyuan Wang: How the World Changed Social Media〉


1. 司黛蕊,〈Terje Toomistu: Soviet Hippies〉
2. 呂欣怡,〈Maple Razsa and Milton Guillen: The Maribor Uprisings〉



