National University of Singapore Faculty of Law and Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica Joint Faculty Workshops |
Workshop 1: Nov. 15 2013
Moderator:Prof. Tzu-Yi Lin(Director & Distinguished Research Professor, IIAS) |
Time |
Presentation |
Discussant |
15:00 |
Presentation I:
The Challenges of Comparative Law Research in Asia: Reflections from two case studies on public interest/social justice lawyering in India and Singapore
Prof. Arun Thiruvengadam(Assistant Professor of Law, NUS) |
Prof. Yen-tu Su
(Assistant Research Professor, IIAS) |
16:00 |
Presentation II:
Addressing Islamic Law in East Asia
Prof. Arif Jamal (Assistant Professor of Law, NUS) |
Prof. Tzung-Mou Wu
(Assistant Research Professor, IIAS) |
Workshop 2: Nov. 22 2013
Time |
Presentation |
Discussant |
15:00 |
Presentation III:
Multiple Faces of Shareholder Power in Asia: Complexity Revealed
Prof. Daniel William Puchniak(Assistant Professor of Law, NUS) |
Prof. Tze-Shiou Chien
(Associate Research Professor, IIAS) |
16:00 |
Presentation IV:
Law as Li (禮):
The Unrecognized Confucian Foundations of European Legal Thought
Prof. Michael Dowdle(Assistant Professor of Law, NUS) |
Prof. Tzung-Mou Wu
(Assistant Research Professor, IIAS) |
17:00 |
Presentation V:
The Challenge of Legal Pluralism:
Research and Scholarship in Indonesian Law
Prof. Gary F. Bell (Associate Professor of Law, NUS) |
Prof. Cheng-Yi Huang
(Assistant Research Professor, IIAS) |
地 點:本院法律所第2會議室(人文館北棟9樓)
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