Chair, Aramont Professor of the History of Science, Harvard University (哈佛大學科學史系主任)
Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (美國人文與科學院院士)
Corresponding Fellow, British Academy (英國學術院通訊院士)
◎ Keynote Speech
Chair: Dr. Shang-Jen Li (Associate Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica)
Speaker: Prof. Janet Browne (History of Science Department, Harvard University)
Topic: Rethinking the Darwinian Revolution: the History of Biology in Anglo-American Culture in the 20th Century
時 間:11月21日(星期三)下午2:00-3:30
地 點:本院史語所研究大樓704會議室
◎“Studies in the History of Biology and Medicine” Workshop
Chair: Dr. Ku-Ming (Kevin) Chang (Associate Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica)
Respondent: Prof. Janet Browne (History of Science Department, Harvard University)
1.Speaker: Dr. Heng-An Cen (Associate Prof. and Department Chair, Department of History, National Cheng Kung University)
Topic: “Evolution” in Taiwanese Senior High School Biology and History Textbooks: 1964-2008
2.Speaker: Dr. Yu-Chuan Wu (Attending Physician, Department of Psychiatry, Cardinal Tien Hospital)
Topic: A Disorder of Ki? Psychotherapies for Neurasthenia in Japan, 1890-1945
3.Speaker: Dr. Sean Hsiang-Lin Lei (Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica)
Topic: Qi-Transformation and the Steam Engine: The Incorporation of Western Anatomy and Re-Conceptualisation of the Body in Nineteenth-Century Chinese Medicine
時 間:11月21日(星期三)下午4:00-5:30
地 點:本院史語所研究大樓704會議室
合辦單位:國科會、史語所人類學門、「世界史研究室」、「生命醫療史研究室」、 「醫療的物質文化」先期計畫